Celeb-branding strategies help B2B brands quickly and easily leapfrog cultural boundaries or elevate in a crowded commodity offerings market. But care should be taken so that cultural setting relates to the business context. For instance, Internet and communic

Celebrity may or may not do ‘referencing’ as effectively as experts and clients do (probably because they don’t possess expert/referent power) in business markets. But, well-known personalities can act as catalysts to quickly scale B2B business across different cultures. Hewlett Packard (HP), for instance, through its campaign, 'The computer is personal again' featuring Gwen Stefani, a famous singer/fashion designer reached the g
raphic arts and small to medium-size business communities at a global level.

Sponsoring celebrity can also help a B2B brand convert visibility into its advantage. The global scientific major DuPont could take amazing sponsorship opportunity of Jeff Gordon-NASCAR car racing to its advantage. DuPont was immensely successful in creating derived demand for its innovations viz.,automotive fini
shes, Tyvek (house wrap), Teflon and FE-36 (fire extinguishing gas) by running innovative Motorsports-themed promotional programs and sweepstakes.

Like in B2C, risks also prevail in B2B contexts especially when celebrities’ professional or personal life shatters. The episode of Accenture getting into trouble when Tiger woods scandal became rather public in November 2009 stands latest example. Celebrities with consistent top image exactly reflecting desired B2B product/service attributes are rare. Though available, continuity of their success/image in long-term is uncertain. So a future-proof celebrity avoids risks. The strategy and effort may also become dysfunctional soon if stated performance isn’t proved simultaneously. Damage may not be immediate and high for B2B brands (for a proven brand). This is because clients’ perception doesn’t change and buying behavior is largely based on functional and service characteristics.
‘Celebrity branding’ strategy should be carefully employed by B2B marketers. Such strategy can be considered during periods of and situations like product launches, rebranding, scaling across cultures, etc. A balanced ‘celebrity branding’ campaign, crafted based on properly chosen future-proof celebrity matching with offering’s characteristics and relevant time-frame backed by suppliers’ performance can help B2B marketers in their branding effort.
‘Celebrity branding’ strategy should be carefully employed by B2B marketers. Such strategy can be considered during periods of and situations like product launches, rebranding, scaling across cultures, etc. A balanced ‘celebrity branding’ campaign, crafted based on properly chosen future-proof celebrity matching with offering’s characteristics and relevant time-frame backed by suppliers’ performance can help B2B marketers in their branding effort.
Celebrity branding definitely helps in B2B. however the impact is less wen compared to B2C.
I agree with you Mr. Giri but B2C Marketing is more kind of Mass Marketing and directly leave an impact on endures, whereas B2B Marketing is more likely a Niche Marketing, where you want to shake the brain of those who belong to same vertical, therefore, cluster of this homogeneous group is always less than the one in B2C.
@ J K:Sir, You may refine/alter my opinion on above comment.
Rishi Chahal
i agree with mr. anonymous and mr.gill that the celebrity branding definitely helps in B2B.but its all only for first time impact ya uyou can say that its important for initial stage but not for long duration.because the better quality of product and services are more important for B2B AND B2C .......................
The blog post also says the same thing...that celebrity endorsements can supplement the B2B marketing effort to pitch the image and visibility when operating in wide markets. Celeb-branding strategies help B2B brands to quickly gain identity in a crowded commodity offerings market. Well-known personalities can act as ambassadors to scale B2B business across different geographic markets.Sponsoring celebrity can also help a B2B brand convert visibility into its advantage. There are proven cases as described in the blog. However, celebrity branding’ strategy should be carefully employed by B2B marketers. It can be considered during periods of and situations like product launches, re-branding, scaling across cultures, etc.
True Celebrity endorsement influence the purchasing power of the people and also lead to branding.
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